Admissions Open

Contact Us:- Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna: 7989662002, Dr. V. Swaminadham: 9346610099, Dr. A. Gopichand: 7989106066

Admissions Open

Contact Us:- Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna: 7989662002, Dr. V. Swaminadham: 9346610099, Dr. A. Gopichand: 7989106066

Student Online Certificate Verification

Department Vision and Mission

To generate groomed, technically competent and skilled intellectual professionals to meet the challenges industry and societal needs


  • To provide quality education in theoretical and applied foundations of computer science
  • To produce students with critical thinking and continuous learning capabilities to apply their knowledge to uplift the living standards of the society
  • To produce students with enriched skill set, professional behavior, strong ethical values and leadership capabilities so as to work with commitment for the progress of the nation
  • To create innovative and vibrant young leaders and entrepreneurs in Software Industry