Admissions Open

Contact Us:- Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna: 7989662002, Dr. V. Swaminadham: 9346610099, Dr. A. Gopichand: 7989106066

Admissions Open

Contact Us:- Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna: 7989662002, Dr. V. Swaminadham: 9346610099, Dr. A. Gopichand: 7989106066

Student Online Certificate Verification

Department Vision and Mission

To empower Computer Science Engineers as highly proficient, innovative, self-driven, and socially responsible professionals by offering a multidimensional education.


  • M1: Empowerment of Computer Science Engineers: To empower Computer Science Engineers through comprehensive education, fostering high proficiency.
  • M2: Multidimensional Education Focus: To provide a diverse education, equipping engineers with skills to navigate the global needs
  • M3: Development of Proficiency and Innovation: To ensure graduates are well-prepared to address technical issues with creativity and innovation.
  • M4: Social Responsibility and Professional ExcellenceTo in-still a strong sense of commitment, shaping graduates into socially responsible professionals and self-driven.