Student Online Certificate Verification

Headlines 2025-02-07 | : B.Tech - CSE | : Swarnandhra College Of Engineering and technology Hosting the EduSkills TechCamp on Google AIML ( Hands-On Activity) from 10-02'25 to 12-02-25    2025-02-06 | : B.Tech - CSE | : Congratulations to all the students placed in the INFOSYS.    2025-02-05 | : B.Tech - AIML | : We are pleased to announce the successful placement of the following students from the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Infosys: Devi Naga Satya Keerthi Kunapareddy-21A21A6132 Bhavya Poojitha Telagamsetti-21A21A6154 Both students have secured positions at Infosys with a package of 3.6 LPA, and we wish them success in their future endeavors.    2025-02-05 | : Academics Office | : Professor & HOD of (S&H) Dr. VELURI SWAMINADHAM and NSS Programme officer Mr. Vissa Manikyala Rao , are participated in Godavari Utsav 2025.    2025-01-29 | : Idea Lab | : Report on Srujanatmakta: A Program to Foster Creative Thinking among Female Students , Organized by: AICTE-IDEA Lab and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)    2025-01-28 | : B.Tech - Mech | : PARTISPATING GO-KART CHAMPIONSHIP @ SRKR BHIMAVARAM    2025-01-26 | : NCC | : 7[A] NAVAL NCC CADETS CONDUCT A PARADE ON OCCASION OF REPUBLIC DAY.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS Unit I & II Volunteers Participated in JNTUK REPUBLIC DAY Celebrations.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS PO Mr. V. Manikyala Rao Receives National Integration Camp Certificate from JNTUK Vice Chancellor Dr. K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS Volunteer Mr. Jarugu Leela Sri Ram Receives National Integration Camp Certificate from JNTUK Vice Chancellor Dr. K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna.    2025-01-26 | : Academics Office | : Republic Day Celebrations at SCET: Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest Sri Dasi Raju Garu, RDO Narsapur.    2025-01-26 | : Academics Office | : Republic Day Celebrations at SCET: Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest Sri Dasi Raju Garu, RDO Narsapur.    2025-01-25 | : NSS | : National Voters’ Day 2025 Conducted by NSS Unit I & II Volunteers.    2025-01-23 | : B.Tech - Civil | : Subhash Chandra Bose Birthday Celebration in Civil engineering department    2025-01-12 | : B.Tech - Civil | : National Youth Day Celebration    2025-01-08 | : B.Tech - AIML | : Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna from Swarnandhra College Leads Workshop on Data Science and Cyber Security at VIET    2025-01-06 | : B.Tech - Mech | : MECHANICAL FACULTY PUBLICATION DETAILS    2024-12-28 | : B.Tech - EEE | : The IEEE PES & IAS Joint Student Branch Chapter and the EEE Department jointly hosted a hands-on workshop on "Solar Energy & Design: Industry Workshop" during 27-12-24 & 28-12-24. Dr. V. Sandeep, PhD, IIT Delhi., Dean Planning & Development, NIT-AP and Dr V L N Sastry, Founder & Director, Raadhanu Technologies has acted as Resource Person    2024-12-28 | : B.Tech - CSE | : A Two days workshop on Application of IoT Technologies Agriculture, Environment and Industry    2024-12-26 | : BCA(H) | : Exam Notification for BCA 2024 Admitted Batch : BCA_I_SEMESTER R24 EXAMINATIONS: FEB-2025    
  • The Library will be kept open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all working days and 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Holidays and Sundays.
  • The Issue counter will be kept open daily from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.,

 Library Membership and Loan Privileges.

  • To get enrolled as a member, a person shall fill up and sign in students address register.

 Book Cards/Tickets.

  • Each member will be given two tickets which entitle him to borrow two books.
  • The membership will be valid for a year and need to be renewed.
  • In case the member wants to withdraw membership, he/she should return all book cards/tickets due by him and pays overdue charges if any.

Loss of Book Cards/Tickets.

  • If a member has lost his card/tickets, he has to report immediately to the Librarian.
  • Member will be issued duplicate card after Seven days against an indemnity bond in the prescribed proforma and payment of 30/- Rupees (with Barcode label) for each card.

Borrowing of books.

  • A member is entitled to borrow one book against one ticket.
  • The member shall satisfy himself, as to whether the books issued is in good physical condition, if not he should bring the matter to the notice of the circulation in charge, otherwise the member shall be held responsible for any damage observed while returning the books.
  • The books are issued for a fortnight and have to return on or before the stipulated date.
  • A overdue charges of Rs.1/- per day per book shall be levied after the expiry of the due date.
  • Books borrowed could be renewed for another fortnight provided there is no demand from other members.
  • The Librarian has the authority to recall the books borrowed as and when required.
  • Reference books, Periodicals and Rare books shall not be lent out.
  • Borrowers tickets are not transferable. Members shall be responsible for all the books issued on their tickets.

Loss or Damage of books & Barcode Labels.


  • Members shall be responsible for the safe custody and return of books borrowed.
  • Damage or loss of books shall be immediately reported to the Librarian.
  • If any book damaged or lost the concerned shall be liable to pay Two times the cost of the book
  • If one book of a set is damaged or lost, the member concerned shall be liable to pay the cost (double) of the whole set. For out of print titles Three times of the cost of book shall be collected.
  • Any tampering or removal of the Barcode label will result in a fine of Rs. 100/- from the candidate

Use of the Library.

  • Persons desirous of using the Library shall enter his name, roll no and sign legibly in the Gate Register.
  • Persons who are not of sound mind shall not be admitted to the Library.
  • Sticks, Umbrellas, Bags, Cell Phones and other personnel articles shall be deposited at the property counter (Racks Placed out side) and not to be taken inside the Library.
  • Silence shall be strictly observed.
  • Smoking, Eating and sleeping is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  • Members are free to browse and consult the books and other reading materials and replace the same to its original place after they finish the work.
  • No person shall write, damage, make a mark or underline on any book or other materials belonging to Library.


  • The Librarian may refuse under special circumstances, admission into the Library to any person or the use of any book without assigning any reason thereof
  • Any one who   violates the rules and regulations of the Library would be liable to lose the privileges of membership.




 Library Working Hours.

  • The Library will be kept open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all working days and 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Holidays and Sundays.
  • The Issue counter will be kept open daily from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.,

Library Membership and Loan Privileges.

  • Books shall be issued to the members of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college on the recommendation of the Principal.
  • To get enrolled as a staff member, a person shall fill up and sign a registration form, which can be had free of cost at the library.

Book Cards/Tickets.

  • Each teaching member will be given ten book cards which entitle him to borrow ten books.
  • Each non-teaching member will be given Two readers tickets which entitle him to borrow Two books.
  • The membership will be valid for a year and need be renewed.
  • In case the member wants to withdraw membership, he/her should return all books due from him and pays overdue charges if any.

Loss of Book Cards / Tickets.

  • If a member has lost his card/tickets, he has to immediately report it to the Librarian.
  • Member will be issued duplicate card after a lapse of Seven days against an indemnity bond in the prescribed Performa and payment of 10/- Rupees (with Barcode label) for each card.

 Mode of Issue.

  • Every member, including the members of the teaching, non-teaching staff shall be provided with borrowers’ tickets which must be produced every time books are borrowed. If the ticket is lost, a new one will be issued only on payment 10/- Rupees for each card.
  • The borrowers will be responsible for all the books borrowed on their tickets and for all fines payable against them. Members are not allowed to sub-lend the books to the others.
  • The books issued for a Semester must be returned after Semester.
  • Members shall see that books have been properly issued and return on their cards. It is difficult to rectify mistakes later on.
  • Tickets are not transferable.
  • Books will not be sent by post.
  • Any book, which is temporarily in great demand, shall be issued for such shorter period, as be necessary, or temporarily declared as a Reference book. Loans may at any time be terminated by the order of the Librarian.
  • Before leaving the issue counter the borrower shall satisfy himself that the book lent to him is in good condition, and if it is not, he/she shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the issue clerk and get it stamped. Otherwise the borrowers are liable for replacement of the book by a good copy or pay the cost of the book.
  • The Librarian has the authority to recall the books borrowed as and when required.

  Books overdue.

  • If a book is not returned by the member after completion of semester end when due charges of 30 Paise per volume per day shall be levied.
  • The maximum amount of fine to be collected shall be 100/- Rupees or 50% of the books whichever is highest.
  • No intimation will be given to members of the dates when the books fall due.
  • A member against whom any book or amount is overdue or other charges are outstanding for a next semester will not be allowed to borrow books until be has paid the due amount.
  • Books may be re – issued for a future period of a Semester.

 Use of Books.

  • All markings, under lining etc., on books shall be absolutely forbidden.
  • No tracing or mechanical reproduction shall be made without permission from the Librarian.
  • Members are free to browse and consult the books and other reading materials and replace the same to its original place after they finish the work.