Student Online Certificate Verification

Headlines 2025-02-07 | : B.Tech - CSE | : Swarnandhra College Of Engineering and technology Hosting the EduSkills TechCamp on Google AIML ( Hands-On Activity) from 10-02'25 to 12-02-25    2025-02-06 | : B.Tech - CSE | : Congratulations to all the students placed in the INFOSYS.    2025-02-05 | : B.Tech - AIML | : We are pleased to announce the successful placement of the following students from the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Infosys: Devi Naga Satya Keerthi Kunapareddy-21A21A6132 Bhavya Poojitha Telagamsetti-21A21A6154 Both students have secured positions at Infosys with a package of 3.6 LPA, and we wish them success in their future endeavors.    2025-02-05 | : Academics Office | : Professor & HOD of (S&H) Dr. VELURI SWAMINADHAM and NSS Programme officer Mr. Vissa Manikyala Rao , are participated in Godavari Utsav 2025.    2025-01-29 | : Idea Lab | : Report on Srujanatmakta: A Program to Foster Creative Thinking among Female Students , Organized by: AICTE-IDEA Lab and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)    2025-01-28 | : B.Tech - Mech | : PARTISPATING GO-KART CHAMPIONSHIP @ SRKR BHIMAVARAM    2025-01-26 | : NCC | : 7[A] NAVAL NCC CADETS CONDUCT A PARADE ON OCCASION OF REPUBLIC DAY.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS Unit I & II Volunteers Participated in JNTUK REPUBLIC DAY Celebrations.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS PO Mr. V. Manikyala Rao Receives National Integration Camp Certificate from JNTUK Vice Chancellor Dr. K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna.    2025-01-26 | : NSS | : NSS Volunteer Mr. Jarugu Leela Sri Ram Receives National Integration Camp Certificate from JNTUK Vice Chancellor Dr. K.V.S.G. Murali Krishna.    2025-01-26 | : Academics Office | : Republic Day Celebrations at SCET: Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest Sri Dasi Raju Garu, RDO Narsapur.    2025-01-26 | : Academics Office | : Republic Day Celebrations at SCET: Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest Sri Dasi Raju Garu, RDO Narsapur.    2025-01-25 | : NSS | : National Voters’ Day 2025 Conducted by NSS Unit I & II Volunteers.    2025-01-23 | : B.Tech - Civil | : Subhash Chandra Bose Birthday Celebration in Civil engineering department    2025-01-12 | : B.Tech - Civil | : National Youth Day Celebration    2025-01-08 | : B.Tech - AIML | : Dr. Bomma Rama Krishna from Swarnandhra College Leads Workshop on Data Science and Cyber Security at VIET    2025-01-06 | : B.Tech - Mech | : MECHANICAL FACULTY PUBLICATION DETAILS    2024-12-28 | : B.Tech - EEE | : The IEEE PES & IAS Joint Student Branch Chapter and the EEE Department jointly hosted a hands-on workshop on "Solar Energy & Design: Industry Workshop" during 27-12-24 & 28-12-24. Dr. V. Sandeep, PhD, IIT Delhi., Dean Planning & Development, NIT-AP and Dr V L N Sastry, Founder & Director, Raadhanu Technologies has acted as Resource Person    2024-12-28 | : B.Tech - CSE | : A Two days workshop on Application of IoT Technologies Agriculture, Environment and Industry    2024-12-26 | : BCA(H) | : Exam Notification for BCA 2024 Admitted Batch : BCA_I_SEMESTER R24 EXAMINATIONS: FEB-2025    
Vice-Principal Desk

Dr. A Gopichand M.Tech, Ph.D
Vice - Principal

With immense pleasure, I welcome you to be a part of our Institution.

Technical education is the backbone of every nation and is the stepping stone for a country to cut the niche of its kind in a developed nation. The tremendous recent changes in the current scenario preset both challenges and opportunities in engineering education. Our Institution has set specific objectives and planned activities for achieving excellence in all spheres of technical domains. The facilities and resources offered by Institution will enhance the skill sets of the students and will eventually translate their ideas into products or services for the effective growth of our Nation.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all the students of undergraduate and post-graduate courses to Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology (SCET). In fact, it gives me immense pride that our students receive the best quality education in our Premises. This has become a reality by imparting very high standards of teaching & learning practices and research. A strong focus is laid on high-order skills, fostering positive relationships among all.

Excellence, in both academic and co-curricular aspects, is an integral value of education that we offer to our students. We inculcate social values and social awareness through a variety of academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. We strongly encourage students to participate in these activities and showcase their talents.

SCET ensures that the students prove themselves to be not only well-qualified engineers but also a very responsible and ideal citizens of our country. It is a real pleasure and a moment of pride for us to hear from our alumni who are now working with multi-national companies in a vast array of jobs and situations around the world. Some of them are pursuing their higher studies at leading universities and colleges as well.

I wish you a very happy and academically highly rewarding student life in SCET and hope that your good deeds will enhance the pride and prestige of our Institution.

Best of luck for all your future endeavours!

Yours fraternally,

Dr. A. Gopichand. M.Tech, Ph.D